“For most consumer products... package design is the single most sales-effective and cost-efficient marketing tool.” - Rob Wallace​

Not only does great packaging design affect consumers, it shapes the decisions of corporate buyers who determine whether a product will even get shelf space. We’re very proud to have helped so many clients get into Costco, Whole Foods and Walmart.

With larger clients, our packaging has helped them open up the markets in new countries and created demand by buyers at trade shows. For more information on why packaging is your best marketing investment, please check out this study.

“Packaging can be theater, it can create a story.” — Steve Jobs

Great package design still creates a powerful interactive experience at the store. A person pushing a shopping cart has about one second to notice your product on a shelf from six to eight feet away. We make your story fly off the shelf.

Guttman Shapiro Creative Group. Turn your brand into a story.

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