Ever wonder why some web sites take forever to load?

 It’s the same reason some ads follow you like a stalker. Your data is being tracked and sent to advertising aggregators so they can place relevant ads to each consumer on the pages of millions of sites. 

When sites track your data, loading time can double.

One of the reasons this page has an “A” rating in speed from (if it’s not, please let us know) is simple: we don’t track user data. Here’s a performance report on this page from GTmetrix, one of the leading web testing tools.

If a site works with third parties to provide certain services, such as viewing videos loaded from You Tube, your data is going to be sent to them.

Pretty much every popular site is going to collect your data, and that can double the time you waste waiting for a page to load, per “The Tracker Tax:”

“…nearly 90% of the top 500 websites use one of more trackers.. 65% have at least 10 trackers… Over 20% have 50 or more trackers…”

For businesses that depend on generating sales, we understand the importance of using analytics.

But our business is to tell stories, not to track you down to sell you a story.

If you like the idea of optimizing your website, we hope you will contact us the old fashioned way, with a call or an email.

We’d love to help.

Or, you could just send us cookies.

Guttman Shapiro Creative Group. Turn your brand into a story.

Copyright © 2020 Guttman Shapiro. All rights reserved.

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