We have no interest in sending you cookies.
But we're happy to accept them.

If you’re concerned about privacy, don’t worry. We won’t send you Cookies to track your data and behavior. The only Cookies we like are the baked variety, especially soft chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin. They definitely improve our experience as we toil away polishing stories for clients. If you like this policy, here’s where to show your appreciation!

Website cookies are like throwing a football.
Three things can happen and two of them are bad.

The only reason why you would accept cookies is so your favorite site save your login information and possibly prepare a customized web page for you.

The other two functions of cookies are to track your web surfing behavior and collect data on how you interact with a specific website. You can learn more specifics about cookies here.

Companies want to track your behavior because they can use it to tailor their offerings to the exact person most likely to buy their product, at the time that person is doing research to make a purchase decision.

They can also sell that information to third parties who want to sell to you, or to digital ad agencies who sell targeted advertising to other companies. That’s why Google and Amazon are taking over the world.

When you go on the website of an ad agency, they will tell you about cookies and give you the option to opt out, but they always use the same lame excuse for having them in the first place:

Here’s the typical nonsense legalese: “cookies help us to improve the performance of our Sites and make the Sites more user-friendly.”

Seriously, these are ad agencies, not NetFlix. There is nothing they do that will improve your user experience because you’re not going there for an afternoon of entertainment.

By the way, when you use a site that offers services such as watching videos or connecting to certain social network, you will receive cookies from  those third party sites, including Facebook Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo and LinkedIn. And nothing says those third party companies will respect your privacy the way your favorite site does.

The real danger is when these social media sites have a data breach, like Facebook did last year.

You can see how easy it is for any individual or company to become a target. That’s why we like our cookie policy better.

If you like our work, we hope you’ll call us.

To learn how respecting your privacy makes our website run faster, please check out  page speed.

Guttman Shapiro Creative Group. Turn your brand into a story.

Copyright © 2020 Guttman Shapiro. All rights reserved.

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